About LANE
We must know God if we are to love and serve him, so LANE brings the Word of God to the people through interactive classes, online courses, and prayerful experiences in a variety of online and in-person formats for all ages.
LANE classes unpack the treasures of Sacred Scripture and Tradition, making them accessible and shareable in the twenty-first century. Instructors are recruited from the best and brightest at local academic institutions, Catholic organizations, and the Diocese of Grand Rapids. LANE access is free and the ministry is funded by donations.
The Story of LANE
LANE is a ministry of Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Holland, Michigan. We began by offering in-person classes to adult learners in our parish, the Diocese of Grand Rapids, and beyond. In response to the pandemic, we started providing online learning opportunities in the spring of 2020. Now, in addition to in-person classes and speaking events, LANE is offering an extensive catalog of live online classes, self-paced online courses, webinars, and more. We also launched LANE Kids to provide a high-quality online option for children's catechesis.
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Bishop Walkowiak Blesses LANE
The Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak, Bishop of Grand Rapids, endorsed LANE and blessed our classroom spaces at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Holland, Michigan. LANE and LANE Kids materials are available to Catholics throughout the Diocese of Grand Rapids and beyond.
Earn Credits Toward Catechist Certification
Catechists, diocesan leaders, and ministry professionals who take LANE classes can earn Diocesan Formation Hours in Theology, Spirituality, or Evangelization/Methodology. If you have questions about earning credits toward catechist certification, please contact us at lanecatholic@oll.org.
Greg Smith
Co-Founder and Dean of LANE
Carla Niziolek
Co-Founder and Creator of LANE Kids
Cory Lakatos
Director of Communications
Contact LANE
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