The Holy Land: In the Footsteps of Jesus
The Holy Land is the location of Jesus’ birth, preaching, miracles, suffering, death, and resurrection. With this virtual pilgrimage, you will follow in his footsteps through Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. This is far more than a travelogue or vacation slideshow: using Google Earth, videos, photos, and written material, Greg Smith will guide you on a virtual pilgrimage through the Holy Land. We will pray together at churches and other sites that are significant in the life and ministry of Jesus, and you will hear the story of how he made these places holy.

Greg Smith
For four decades, Greg has taught and traveled, written and led throughout the Christian world, over thirty of those as a Protestant. After a decade-long “Road to Rome” journey, Greg and his wife “crossed the Tiber” and joined the Roman Catholic Church in 2016. With his eclectic background, he brings a global perspective on the historic Christian faith. Currently, Greg serves as the Director of Ministries at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, teaches at the Lakeshore Academy for the New Evangelization, and is the founder of One Whirling Adventure.