Mary After Jesus
The Gospels describe Mary’s role in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, but what happened to her after her Son's Ascension? Where did she go? What was her role in the early Church before her Assumption into heaven? And what role has she played in the life of the Church and the world since then? What about her appearances over the centuries? How has she shaped the faith of the Church and the lives of the faithful for 2,000 years?
Mary After Jesus is taught by Greg Smith, Dean of LANE.
Mary After Jesus is taught by Greg Smith, Dean of LANE.
Greg Smith
For four decades, Greg has taught and traveled, written and led throughout the Christian world, over thirty of those as a Protestant. After a decade-long “Road to Rome” journey, Greg and his wife “crossed the Tiber” and joined the Roman Catholic Church in 2016. With his eclectic background, he brings a global perspective on the historic Christian faith. Currently, Greg serves as the Director of Ministries at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, teaches at the Lakeshore Academy for the New Evangelization, and is the founder of One Whirling Adventure.