What Is Man?
What the Church Teaches About Human Life
In past centuries, the Catholic Church faced challenges over the nature of God and Christ. In the twenty-first century, the battle is over the nature of humanity.
Because Adam and Eve were made in God’s image, our understanding of humanity affects our perception of God’s nature. As our sense of self becomes more distorted, so is our ability to see or hear our Creator.
Psalm 8:4 asks a profound question of God: “What is man that you are mindful of him?” This course will explore what the Catholic Church teaches about the human person. We will look at the biblical narrative of creation and fall, St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, what the Church teaches about life in a fallen world and social justice, the transformation that makes us new creatures in Christ, the inevitability of death, the promise of resurrection, and the nature of humanity in a new heaven and earth when Christ returns to make all things new. Join Greg Smith as he leads this three-session course.
Because Adam and Eve were made in God’s image, our understanding of humanity affects our perception of God’s nature. As our sense of self becomes more distorted, so is our ability to see or hear our Creator.
Psalm 8:4 asks a profound question of God: “What is man that you are mindful of him?” This course will explore what the Catholic Church teaches about the human person. We will look at the biblical narrative of creation and fall, St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, what the Church teaches about life in a fallen world and social justice, the transformation that makes us new creatures in Christ, the inevitability of death, the promise of resurrection, and the nature of humanity in a new heaven and earth when Christ returns to make all things new. Join Greg Smith as he leads this three-session course.

Greg Smith
For four decades, Greg has taught and traveled, written and led throughout the Christian world, over thirty of those as a Protestant. After a decade-long “Road to Rome” journey, Greg and his wife “crossed the Tiber” and joined the Roman Catholic Church in 2016. With his eclectic background, he brings a global perspective on the historic Christian faith. Currently, Greg serves as the Director of Ministries at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, teaches at the Lakeshore Academy for the New Evangelization, and is the founder of One Whirling Adventure.